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March 13, 2020

Why You May Not Have To Move House To Find Your Dream Home

Nowadays it seems that one if we were to create a list of the most stressful things we can do, right up there would be moving house. While we know that it’s stressful, it still seems to be something that some of us do many times.

When it comes to asking why, well, it seems that as we change and our families grow, the house we live in may not be viable for our requirements any longer. Now, while we may have acknowledged that our current property isn’t enough for us at the moment, this doesn’t mean it doesn’t have the potential to be so much more.

The one thing you have to remember when it comes to buying and selling is that it’s not straightforward and no matter where you turn, somebody is going to be eating away at your hard-earned cash.  

Whether it’s the estate agents or solicitors fees, buying and selling houses can really be quite an expense as well as being stressful, so surely, there has to be something a little easier than this right?

Well, the answer to this question is yes. If you don’t want the hassle or loss of money, then you may want to look at the potential of your current home. We understand that there will still be costs involved, but the truth is that any money you place into making your home bigger and better will be an investment.

In today’s post, we are going to be looking at a few things you may wish to do to your current home that could see it become the home of your dreams with way less hassle and drama than moving house.

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It’s Renovation Time

Ok, so you have reached the point where you know that your house has potential and you want to create a space that is perfect for your family, so where do you start?

Well, the best piece of advice we can start with is that you need to bring in some professionals if your house is going to undergo a lot of changes, then Residential Architects would be a great place to start.

A skilled architect will help you develop perfect plans for your home and this way you will be able to maximize space, and you will be left with a design that gives you everything you need.

You should be looking to make the most of any free room you have with your property as this not only has the potential to give you more space to work with, by adding an extension, conservatory or loft conversion, you will be adding a great deal of value to your home.

You may also find that during your renovations that when the home was built, the layout didn’t suit the square foot base of the property. If you look at things carefully, you may find that changing the layout of your property by removing a wall here and there may give your property a better look at way more room.

It's important not to neglect the other factors of home renovation, like debris and the lack of access to your space for a while. You should prepare for this beforehand, especially if you're changing something like the kitchen, which is where you cook. Looking into temporary dumpster rental near you can also be a good option for affordable waste removal, if you're doing any larger-scale work on the home, like knocking down walls or removing large items of furniture.


While we are making it sound simple, the truth is, renovating your house is a huge thing, but should you do things right and have the right professional support, you may find that when it’s finished, your house has just become the house of your dreams.

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  1. […] way to switch things up is by rearranging furniture in different rooms of your house. Try moving larger pieces around first, such as couches and dressers, then switch out smaller […]

  2. You can just renovate your old home to add some twist and modern look to it so that you won’t have to move.

  3. Jim Lobo says:

    Super article looking ahead to read more articles like this. Kindly keep sharing.

  4. Moving into a new home costs a lot! That’s why I always try to maintain our house and do little renovations so that I can keep my house always look new!

  5. It might surprise you how much impact renovating can do to your home, also it’s also much cheaper than buying a new house.

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