I’ve always been a busy person, if you follow my blog regularly you’ll see just how much I have achieved in my first thirty years of life! Every day I balance writing academic papers, preparing lectures, attending meetings, managing my blog and social media accounts, keeping the house tidy and cupboards stocked and spending what little time I have left with my husband. Up until recently I managed all of this just fine. But with the arrival of my little bundle of joy 12 weeks ago, things have changed drastically- the papers haven’t been written, I barely get to spend any time one-to-one with my husband and my house is a mess!
Until recently I have always been strapped for cash. From paying off my debts to saving for the wedding and buying our house, my husband and I have always tried our best to carefully manage our pennies. Now that we have a little more disposable income we have decided that rather than using our spare money to buy material possessions, we will use it to enhance our quality of life. In three short months time I will be back at work full time and putting my baby girl in the nursery from 7.30am-6pm each day. That doesn’t leave much time for us to spend together, and the last thing that I want to do is sacrifice our precious moments together to scrub the shower or mow the lawn.
So the answer is outsourcing. But having never hired any sort of ‘help’ before, I had no idea where to start. Then I came across Bidvine. Bidvine is a fast way to get a number of quotes for local services and professionals. It doesn’t cost you a penny as It's free to use and it saves the hassle of contacting people or organisations one by one. I decided my first job was to hire a cleaner for my house and I quickly became frustrated when companies either didn’t get back to me or took days to respond. Thankfully I found Bidvine a couple of days later which made finding a reliable cleaner so much easier. It basically does all the work for you and is super easy to use by just answering a few simple questions. I filled in a short, simple form which took no more than 10 minutes and it put together a range of quotes for me- easy!
Bidvine’s headline is ‘complete your chores, pursue your passions’, which I think sums up my current situation very well! So, why not sacrifice buying that dress that you’ll never wear anyway and hire a cleaner, or a gardener, or get a professional photographer to capture that special moment. Save time and don’t miss out on those special moments with your little ones… I am very quickly learning how fast they change! And if you don’t have any little ones give yourself some chill-time, time at the gym or time to hang out with friends (all things that I have sacrificed over the past few years!). Make the most of life and treasure every moment!
This is me NOT cleaning my house! haha