How to avoid long lines at Disney Land
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March 1, 2022

How to avoid long lines at Disney Land

If you're anything like many Disney visitors, one of the few downsides to visiting the theme park is enduring long lines for the most popular attractions. Standing in line for hours isn't exactly a great way to spend your time.

How to avoid long lines at Disney Land

Here are 5 ways to avoid the Disney Land queues.


The best way to avoid lines for rides is to purchase Fastpass tickets for those who have them as soon as possible to maximize your potential time on the ride.


When you get to Disney, do ride any popular rides first. Then, even if you get in a super long line-up later in the evening, you'll have plenty of time to enjoy entertainment elsewhere at the park. It would also help to revisit some of your favorites when there are not as many crowds. It will likely mean you miss out on some of the entertainment aspects, but it will positively impact your bottom line. You can also take in the glamorous entertainment on offer at the end of your trip – a perfect way to sum up your time in Disneyland.


One of the best things about Disneyland is that it's always open, which means it is always crowded! Try going any time other than Christmas, New Year. Spring or Autumn can make your experience a lot calmer and more relaxed.


It is essential to get to the park early. Lines are shorter, and jumping in line for the first ride you see is often not worth it because of short waits. Instead, head for the rides that you're looking forward to so you can enjoy your time there more before it starts to get crowded.


These are just some of the many websites with great information about Disney that you can find online. These websites can provide you with the best times to visit, which rides to go on first, and where to buy tickets at the most affordable price.

You are planning your vacation to the happiest place in the world, maybe a little more and longer than you might have expected, with long lines and lower quality experiences.

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