Studying abroad is a fantastic opportunity and it can open many doors for you. To ensure you get the most out of it, it’s important to give it your all. Rather than thinking of it as a holiday try to get a varied experience to develop skills you can use in the future. Whether you do a year abroad as part of a degree, secondment, or are studying a new language you have the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture. This is incredibly rewarding and you will create memories you’ll cherish for life. Here are ten ways to ensure you get the most out of studying abroad.
Even if your course doesn’t carry credit, focus on your studies. This is why it’s important to study something you’re interested in and that will benefit you in the future. You can make a timetable for yourself so you can fit in plenty of study as well as traveling or socializing. This depends on the type of course you’re studying. If your schedule is flexible you'll have a more independent experience. This will teach you important time-management skills. If you figure out your most productive time of day, you can get more work done.
Before you go, set yourself specific goals. Make a list of what you want to get out of studying abroad whether it’s language skills, a new qualification, or traveling experience. Prioritize these according to their relevance. It’s more motivating to set measurable goals and break these down into smaller tasks with deadlines. This will help you keep track of your progress. Here are a few more tips on how to set realistic goals.
Think about your long-term goals for the future as well. Choose a course abroad that fits into your planned career trajectory. If you plan on doing an online masters in health administration later on, for example, find a course that relates to healthcare or business administration. This will help to ensure your studies open doors for you professionally. You can then use this as a selling point on your resume.
Rather than only hanging out with your international peers, make friends with the locals. Be open minded to other cultures and get involved in the community. This will make your time abroad a much more rewarding experience. Try shopping in the local markets and have a chat with the merchants. You could also ask the locals for recommendations so you can find the best restaurants and interesting places to visit. They will be able to give you useful tips and advice about living in your chosen destination.
As well as studying, set some time aside to learn a range of different skills. You could take a cooking class, for example. There are several benefits of taking a cooking class. You’ll learn about the local produce and some fantastic new recipes. It’s also a great way to socialize and practise the language. If cooking isn’t for you, you could try a traditional dance or other exercise class. Ask your tutors or the locals for a few recommendations. It’s a good time to try a new activity you wouldn’t normally, so be brave and leave your comfort zone.
If you’re going somewhere far away you may have the opportunity to visit neighboring countries as well. Plan ahead for this so you don’t miss out on any fun destinations. You could go on day trips or weekends away if you don’t have much time. Do your research before you go and find out the best places to get to from where you are studying.
It’s essential to set a realistic budget, especially if you plan to do a lot of traveling. Find out about the cost of living in advance and ensure you have enough saved. You can try using one of the best budgeting apps to help monitor your spending. Always have a little extra for emergencies or spontaneity. Make sure you have the right travel insurance coverage for your chosen destination and lifestyle. You can shop around for deals online ahead of time.
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If you’re worried about getting home sick, get your friends and family to install the latest online communication tools. Find out if you can make international calls or use the WiFi where you are. This will give you peace of mind that you can always get in touch with your loved ones even though you are far away. If you do have any connectivity issues, let your family know so they don’t worry if you aren’t able to contact them as often as you’d like. Nowadays, most of the world has WiFi so you should be able to find a solution.
If you want to reinforce your knowledge and skills, learning by teaching is very effective. You could discuss what you’ve studied with your peers and exchange experiences. Tell your friends and family at home about what you’ve learned. It’ll be interesting for them to hear about and will help you retain the information. You could even consider writing a travel blog or journal as you go. You can look back on this information at a later date and journey back to your time overseas.
Another way to preserve your memories is to take plenty of photos. Studying abroad can change your life and you’ll want to remember your amazing experiences. Share your photos with family and friends or even print a few to frame. You’ll surely see and do exciting new things so it would be great to document these. Make the most of your time abroad and it’ll give you inspiration for the future. You’ll also develop many transferable skills to help your career down the line.