No matter what type of exam you are studying for, we have got you covered. Below, we’ve put together a collection of useful study tips, so let’s take a look…
A basic revision timetable is simply a calendar that will have subjects and topics you need to revise on specific days. One of the best pieces of advice for studying a postgraduate degree that we can give you is that you don’t need to overcomplicate things – your revision timetable really can be simple. So, to put your timetable together, you should begin by determining the subjects you need to study and how many days you have until your exam. Once you have done this, you can divide the areas and topics you need to cover accordingly. Of course, the subjects that you find most challenging should get extra time. While it can be very tempting to focus on the subjects that you are good at and, therefore, find more enjoyable, this won’t help you to improve your grades. Regular refreshers are also important; do not simply cover one area and then move on. If you do this, the subject area will become a distant memory by the time your exam arrives. You also need to approach subjects differently, depending on how intense the material is. There is no right or wrong approach to studying – it is all about finding out what works for you. Finally, there are lots of useful timetable apps you can use to put your calendar together.
In order to revise effectively, you first need to determine what your individual learning style is. You can improve your grade prospects and boost the effectiveness of your revision sessions by working according to your individual learning style. There are seven different learning styles. The first is solitary, which refers to self-study and working alone. There is also social, which refers to people that learn better in groups. Thirdly, we have logical learning – this is when someone understands and recalls mathematical principles by using logic, reasoning, and systems. Kinaesthetic is another learning style, whereby the student memorises topics by using physical actions. Verbal learners use words, both in writing and speech, to memorise formulae and understand mathematical principles. Aural learners associate mathematical principles and different topics with music and various sounds. Finally, if you are a visual learner, you will find it easier to memorise and understand topics by using images and pictures. Once you have determined what your learning style is, you will be able to adapt your revision sessions to suit this – if, for example, you have determined you are a visual learner, you might find creating something like medical terminology flash cards to be useful. This will ensure you get more from your revision sessions when practicing with past exams and other revision tools.
When you are getting close to the day of your exam, getting the balance right between studying and sleeping is crucial. Read on for more information. There is little denying just how beneficial study resources and past papers are when you are studying. Nevertheless, in order to perform effectively, both on your past papers and the real thing, you need to get enough sleep. Sleep is critical for memory, as it helps your brain to process new information. Research also indicates that students that have naps leading up to their exams score better in tests. Most students will spend the days leading up to their exam revising as much as possible. However, it is good to team this study with an afternoon nap. Most people experience a natural dip in alertness at around 3 pm, and this is when it is a good idea to take a nap. Once you wake up, you can go back to studying and filling out past papers. You will find that you feel alert and fresh, and that you perform better as a result. There are many famous geniuses that have advocated having a quick afternoon nap to recuperate, including Albert Einstein, John F. Kennedy, and Winston Churchill, so you are in good company. All in all, getting the balance right between sleep and study is clearly the key to success.
Firstly, make sure you read every question twice. It is very easy to misread something, and you don’t want to lose marks simply because you misunderstood the question. It is also a good idea to underline the key points in questions, as this will help you when putting your answers together. You should also show your full working out. This is especially important for questions worth two marks, as you will get a mark if your working out is correct, even if the final answer is wrong. Aside from this, make sure you use the equipment you have been provided with. If you are stuck on a question, don’t waste time worrying about it. Simply move onto the next question and come back to it at the end if you have time. Don’t leave any blank answers – try all questions, even if you need to guess. At the end of the exam, make sure you check through your paper thoroughly so that you can spot any errors you may have made. Finally, prior to taking the exam, make sure you practice with past papers. This is the best way to get an understanding of what the exam is going to be like and the type of questions you are going to be asked.
So there you have it: some useful tips for anyone who is going to be studying from home or while on their travels. If you follow the advice that has been provided above, you should notice significant improvements when it comes to the effectiveness of your study sessions. We hope that the information that has been provided will help you to excel irrespective of the subject you are studying. The only thing that is left to do now is get started. Good luck!
[…] in lunch and 15-minute breaks throughout the day will give your mind that much-needed refresh to stop yourself from overloading and going into sloth […]