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April 7, 2020

Easy Ways to Stay Healthy When Travelling (For the Whole Family)

Travelling is something that everybody should try to do at some point in their lives. If you're blessed enough to have the opportunity to travel with your family, this is an experience that's even better than going it alone. However, while travel is undoubtedly all about excitement, seeing new places, and diving into unique experiences, you can't neglect your health, as this could ruin your, and your families, entire trip before it has even got going. 

You can never know what issues might impact your health when travelling, though, so here is a thorough overview of everything to look out for before you set out on your next family adventure. 

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is an often underrated aspect of travel. After a long and potentially uncomfortable flight, you usually want to crash down into bed but, you're also so excited that you may find it difficult to sleep. 

Aty first, you're probably going purely on adrenaline, but you will crash eventually, and this can lead to irritability, exhaustion, and a day out that ends far too early. 

Trying to run on an empty tank will only end with you and others sulking in your hotel room, so give yourself the chance to adjust to the new timezone to recharge your batteries. Once you've done this, you'll feel fresh and full of energy, ready to see everything you want to see. It's also worth remembering to slow down when you think you need to so that you avoid the risk of further burnout. 

Walk As Much As You Can

Walking is not just a great way to save money on taxi or bus fare; it's also an excellent opportunity for you to get in some exercise every single day. Of course, some destinations are more accessible to walk around than others, and you're unlikely to tick everything off your New York City bucket list by walking all day, every day. 

Still, for smaller cities and towns, walking comes with plenty of benefits. You manage to get some cardio in, and with how warm it is, you'll sweat off a lot of last night's family feast. Furthermore, you get to see the city a different way and take in all its sights, smells, and quirks that you wouldn't get from a taxi. 

Keep Up an Exercise Routine

Morning exercises will help you retain some sense of a routine, even when travelling. It's always hard to stick to your regular workout when in another city, especially if you're without your proper equipment or even the space.

However, it's not impossible to stick to a routine, and you can even get the whole family involved. Consider a quick set of star jumps every morning before breakfast. Similarly, a few laps in the pool give a full-body workout and respite from the heat. 

Eat Breakfast

Many people, especially travellers, will skip breakfast because they're too excited to get on with the day. However, skipping breakfast means you go into the day without the vital energy resources you need to do everything you want to do every day. 

A quick breakfast of a croissant, egg and toast, or some fruit will give you the reserves to take on the day and stop you lagging before lunchtime. If your hotel or hostel has a free breakfast, then make sure to make use of it. You'll feel much better for it, even if you don't feel hungry when you sit down at the breakfast table.

Drink Lots of Water

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate is the mantra of travellers all over the world. Make sure to take a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up with clean water before setting off on your daily adventure. Drinking water regularly will reduce the risk of overheating, prevent headaches, and keep you energized, especially in the heat. 

If you're travelling somewhere with water fountains, don't be afraid to use them whenever you need. However, if you need to buy bottled water, then do that instead. While you can typically trust tap water in most western countries, it's not worth getting sick from in other parts of the world where the pipes may not be as well maintained. 

Consider Natural Detoxes

If you do get sick, then natural detoxes can help flush toxins from your body while also giving you bursts of energy and filling you with healthy nutrients. No matter where you travel to, it's worth considering local remedies that are popular for keeping citizens healthy. For example, if you're going to Asia, consider researching green tea recipes for your skin to keep it glowing or prevent acne, which could be a problem in hot countries. 

You will find different remedies in different destinations, so don't be afraid to do some research beforehand. However, it's always worth consulting with a doctor for serious issues rather than relying on traditional methods, and if you notice any allergic reactions, then stop using it before the problem gets worse. 

Don't Forget Your Insurance

While insurance won't keep you from getting sick or injured, it can be a lifesaver should you suffer any health problems while travelling. Insurance covers you from a range of fees and will lessen the hit to your bank account while also preventing further issues arising. 

If you catch a bug or risk suffering from an infection, you can use your insurance to pay for medicine and antibiotics and claim the cash later on. No matter who you are, you can never assume you won't suffer any accidents or health issues, so it's always worth investing in travel insurance for the whole family. 

Staying Healthy

There are few things better in this world than travelling, but you can't enjoy your experiences if you're too sick, ill, or exhausted to get out of bed every morning. By remembering and following these useful tips, you'll be able to have a travel experience that is not just memorable, but also illness and injury-free, so that you and your family can enjoy every stage of the trip without any severe issues cropping up. 

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  2. […] not easy to feel comfortable in such a place, but your health comes first!. The urge to look around and see what others are doing is big, and you want to make sure that you […]

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