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April 9, 2022

Dengue Fever: What Travelers Should Know About This Disease

Every seasoned traveler, especially those who traveled to tropical and subtropical countries, knows what dengue is as this disease is common in such areas. Even some well-known travel bloggers, such as Expert Vagabond, had a difficult encounter with this disease.

So, if you’re planning to travel to tropical and subtropical countries, it’s important to be aware of dengue to know how to avoid it – and, in the unfortunate event that you contract it, know how to deal with it.

Dengue Fever: What Travelers Should Know About This Disease

What is Dengue?

Dengue fever (or simply “dengue”) is, according to Mayo Clinic, a “mosquito-borne illness that occurs in tropical and subtropical areas of the world.” People typically contract dengue once they get bit by a mosquito. Dengue is sometimes called “breakbone fever” because it’s notorious for its severe fever and muscle aches.

While contracting dengue is not necessarily serious or fatal right away, you should never take it lightly as well. This is because severe cases of dengue could ultimately lead to death. Therefore, if you notice any symptoms associated with dengue, you should go to your nearest hospital or medical service provider right away to provide you with proper assessment and treatment.

Symptoms of Dengue

Common symptoms of dengue include fever, headache, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and potentially rashes. Since the symptoms of dengue are somewhat similar to flu, some people mistake them for the latter. If you experience the said symptoms and think that you have dengue, to be on the safe side, go to a doctor immediately to have you properly assessed and, if you do contract the dengue fever, get early treatment as soon as possible.

If the dengue was left untreated, it can progress to severe cases. Symptoms of severe dengue include fatigue, rapid breathing, bleeding on your nose or gums, persistent or worsening vomiting, severe stomach pain, and blood in urine, stool, or vomit.

As mentioned earlier, severe cases of dengue can ultimately lead to death. Therefore, you should deal with the disease by getting a medical check-up from a hospital or medical service provider the moment you notice its symptoms. If you experienced some of the severe symptoms of dengue, go to your nearest hospital immediately! Such a case is already considered an emergency situation.

How to Avoid Dengue

Since dengue can be contracted via mosquito bites, the best way to avoid dengue is to avoid those mosquitos. Here are some ways to help prevent or reduce your risk of contracting dengue:

  • Avoid areas with stagnant water. Stagnant water is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, so whenever possible, be sure to avoid them. Also, be sure not to let water accumulate into any potential “water holder”. This includes flower pots, unused tires (which can be filled with water when raining), upturned canisters, and so on. If you see anything that has accumulated water in it, throw the water and let it dry. Even a relatively small amount of stagnant water could be a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
  • Place a mosquito net when staying or sleeping outdoors. Sometimes, the hotel or resort you’re staying at has a mosquito net ready. This is especially true if you’re staying in a hut-like structure or any outdoor structure. If there’s none, you could request one or simply buy one for yourself, so that you’ll always have one whenever you need it.
  • Apply mosquito-repellent cream or spray on your skin. This is especially true if you are going outdoors such as in forests or even fields.
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  1. […] a tropical country, Singapore has its fair share of dengue fever cases. Do read this post on “what you need to know about dengue fever” before […]

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